vimperator bookmark management



在地址栏输一次resource://extension-at-one-tab-dot-com/data/onetab.html以后Vimperator虽然认了但开一个new window以后又不认了(session的关系??),方案不合格



Vimperator supports a number of different marks:

  • Bookmarks which allow you to mark a web page as one of your favorites for easy access.

  • QuickMarks allow you to define up to 62 (a-zA-Z0-9) web sites (or groups of web sites) which you visit most often.

  • Local marks to store the position within a web page.

  • History is also a special type of marks, as Vimperator automatically remembers sites which you have visited in the past.

实际:open开的时候有Smart Completion,和Search Keywords,一般打开过的网站是直接保存在Smart Completion里面的(究极好用),但是不知道 resource://extension-at-one-tab-dot-com/data/onetab.html 这种重开怎么就没了

可以通过bmark -title=OneTab -keyword=one resource://extension-at-one-tab-dot-com/data/onetab.html -keyword=one 添加到Search Keywords里, 下次就可以通过one直接打开了。

QuickMarks好像没什么用啊 有什么那么想看的我肯定放onetab里了

Local marks的话看长文档会用到吧,也不是很难 m做标签,'跳转就好