monitoring stack using CollectD, Graphite
Install Graphite
On Graphite Server install graphite packages:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install graphite-web graphite-carbon
Install and configure PostgreSQL
sudo apt-get install postgresql libpq-dev python-psycopg2
Switch to postgres user and create DB user graphite_user
su - postgres
Note: postgres user has no default password, you can set the password by sudo passwd postgres
createuser graphite_user --pwprompt
Create graphite_db databases owned by graphite_user:
createdb -O graphite_user graphite_db
Once this is done, you can switch back to previous user:
Configure Graphite
Edit file /etc/graphite/
and change DATABESES values we configured in PostgreSQL:
Uncomment SECRET_KEY line and set key for hashing:
SECRET_KEY = 'a_salty_string'
Note: you can pick a appropriate salty string as you like.
Uncomment and set time zone which will be displayed on graphs:
TIME_ZONE = 'Asia/Hong_Kong'
Enable authentication to save graph data:
As for the django whose version is later than 1.8, you should do as following:
cd /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/graphite/
sudo python migrate auth
sudo python migrate
After saving and closing the file, we need to sync the database:
sudo graphite-manage syncdb
Configure Carbon
sudo sed -i.bak s/ /etc/carbon/carbon.conf
sudo cp /usr/share/doc/graphite-carbon/examples/storage-aggregation.conf.example /etc/carbon/storage-aggregation.conf
Enable Carbon to start on boot by editing file /etc/default/graphite-carbon and changing CARBON_CACHE_ENABLED to true:
We save the file and start carbon-cache daemon:
sudo service carbon-cache start
Install and configure Apache + wsgi
Since Django recommends using WSGI as the middleware service, we can run it on Apache with mod_wsgi, nginx with Gunicorn, or nginx with uWSGI. We will be installing Apache because it has good logging support and authentication modules.
Installing apache packages:
sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi
Disable default Apache site:
sudo a2dissite 000-default
Copy Graphite’s virtual host template to Apache’s available sites directory:
sudo cp /usr/share/graphite-web/apache2-graphite.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available
Enable Graphite virtual host and reload Apache to implement changes:
sudo a2ensite apache2-graphite
sudo service apache2 reload
We can now access Graphite interface by browsing to http://YOUR_SERVER_IP.
Install and configure CollectD
Collectd is simply a daemon which collects system performance statistics and sends it to Graphite. It’s easy to configure and has a high number of plugins. It uses Plaintext protocol to send data series to Graphite/Carbon.
Install collectd packages:
sudo apt-get install collectd collectd-utils
Edit /etc/collectd/collectd.conf file and enable these plugins to collect various system data and push it to graphite:
Next plugin we’ll need to configure is write_graphite
. It’s used to push data to graphite server which is listening on TCP port 2003 on IP, there can be multiple Node
stanzas to push to multiple graphite servers.
On Graphite server edit file /etc/carbon/storage-schemas.conf
to configure storage parameters, add [collectd] stanza below [carbon] parameters, but before [default_1min_for_1day] stanza:
For changes to take affect, please restart carbon-cache service :