<Visual Revelation>--Reading Note (2)

Visual Revelations – Reading Notes(2)

CHAPTER 2 Graphical Mysetires

The greatset value of a picture is when it forces us to notice what we has been never expected to see. –John Turkey

Mystery #1: Pregnancires Among !Kung Women

Confusing because:

  • Using different symbols to represent different events on a common time scale. Irrelevant events have at least as much visual weight as the theortically important ones.
  • Understanding the graph requires memorizing a complex legend and ignoring everything superfluous.

Use a common metaphor for all the activities.

<Visual Revelation>--Reading Note

Visual Revelations

Chapter 1. How to Display Data Badly

The Aim of Good Data Graphics is to Display Data Accurately and Clearly
How to display data badly:

  1. Don’t show much data
  2. Show the data inaccurately
  3. Obfurscate the data

Don’t Show Data

Rule1 Show as little data is possible(minimize the data density)
Edward Tufte defines that: